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25 Inspiring and Creative Mac DMG Designs to Use as Inspiration

Published: 30th October 2017

When you download an application to install on a Mac computer, the software often comes bundled in a DMG file. DMG files contain disc images that help you manually install programs and applications.

1. Acrylic

This application for Mac devices has an interesting and creative installation package. Contained within its DMG file is a well-designed install splash screen that allows users to drag and drop a currency icon to install the app in one-click.

2. RapidWeaver

The RapidWeaver application for Mac computers has an inspiring and creative DMG splash screen and icon set design. Take note of this well-designed DMG's galaxy-themed background image and custom icon set to inspire your own modern design projects.

3. Firefox for Mac

Mozilla is known for its inspiring and creative designs, and their DMG splash screens and icons live up to the company's esteemed reputation. Consider packaging your DMG files with your company colors and website icons, as Mozilla does, for a unified design.

4. Cart Loom

The Cart Loom app for Mac devices is installed through a small DMG file with amazing design features. This simple install kit contains flat, two-tone icons and backgrounds for a simple, minimalist design.

5. Delicious

The Delicious app for Mac computers helps readers organize texts. It was well designed and contains vibrant graphics and icons in its DMG package file. If you have WordPress hosting and are distributing applications through your site, consider using high quality graphics that match the ones on your site as the makers of this app have done.

6. Type Set Fonts

The Type Set Font utility adds fonts and more control over typography to your Mac computer. The DMG file for this handy application is inspiring because it makes use of great typography itself. Match your designs to your app's function for a unified theme.

7. Internet Security X9

This Internet security package comes bundled into a neat and organized DMG file with easy to understand splash screens and icons. Use this DMG design as inspiration for your own app's designs by keeping them simple and to the point.

8. Awaken Alarm

The Awaken alarm system for Mac devices is contained in a creative DMG package file. Users are instructed to simply drag the clock icon from the left side of their installation screen over into their installation folder. Matching colors and futuristic backgrounds give this design a professional and modern appearance.

9. TextWrangler

This text editor for Mac computers was designed with ease of use in mind. The DMG contains several splash screens and loading bars to keep users informed throughout the installation process.

10. OmniFocus

The OmniFocus DMG file design is both creative and inspiring. It contains flat icons and simple color schemes which should load quickly on any Mac computer or device. Use simple designs like this for a modern appearance.

11. CommandQ

The CommandQ app for Mac computers contains graph-like background images and icons to match its function and utility as an app. This is a great idea for any technical, math-based or business apps.

12. Flux

The Flux app for Mac helps users avoid eye strain and overworking by allowing for dimming of screens and other alarm-based functions. Consider using elements from this dark-themed DMG design in your own apps.

13. Bartender

The Bartender app is contained in a single DMG file which can be installed on any current Mac computer. It uses flat, black and purple icons and bold typography for a creative and inspirational graphic design.

14. Pocket

With millions of downloads, the makers of the Pocket app have proven they know how to design interfaces. The DMG file this app is contained in is creative and uses 4-color icons with shadowing for a pleasant, easy installation process.

15. Curb

Curb is a handy utility for Mac computers that helps clean and organize USB and other external devices. The DMG file of this app is downloaded to use vector images and scalable graphics to ensure a clean look on any display size.

16. DropBox

DropBox is a well-known utility used across Mac devices including desktop computers, notebooks, and phones. The 3D icons and simple blue and white theme used in the splash screen should inspire any designer looking for simplicity.

17. Caffeine

Caffeine for Mac uses java-inspired icons and a simple point and click install process through its well-condensed DMG file. This free download should be reviewed by any aspiring DMG designer.

18. Adium

Users looking for a third-party instant messenger application for Mac often end up discovering Adium. This free utility comes packaged in a nicely designed DMG file which contains an easy drag-and-drop install process.

19. Capto

Capto is a screen capture utility for Mac computers that can help users record live video from their computer's display. The DMG file needed to install this application makes use of camera and recording-themed icons and background images.

20. Parallels

This helpful application for Mac computers comes in a well designed DMG installation file that lets you install it by dragging an icon into your local installation destination. Avoiding the clutter of over-design, this DMG gets the job done without confusion for the users.

21. iClip

Users who wish to install the iClip app for Mac devices are instructed through the DMG file to simply drag and drop the clip-board styled icon to their local Applications folder. This simple design works well for just about any utility-based app.

22. Daisy Disk

Daisy Disk is a Mac-based utility that can analyze your hard drives for efficiency and errors. Given the technical nature of this application, its DMG design scheme is perfectly suited for its intended audience, with hardware-based iconography and modern aesthetics.

23. Mariner Software

The Mariner Software package containing MacJournal and other writing and recording utilities comes packaged in a neatly-designed DMG file. This application's DMG file shows fellow designers that simplicity can be more important than elaborate design with a minimalist interface design.

24. CornerStone

The CornerStone app for Mac devices contains several inspiring artwork and design items, including a 3D icon that can be installed with a simple drag and drop function. Consider using matching icon sets on your websites and DMG files by acquiring WordPress hosting that allows for custom file downloads.

25. Clean My Mac

This computer-cleaning software comes bundled with a creative DMG design that's intuitive to newer Mac users. The installation method requires users to drag a computer icon into the Applications folder for an easy and fast install.These well-crafted Mac DMG designs can serve as a great inspiration for your own DMG files. Copy elements from these designs or use them to inspire your own custom installer splash screens and other DMG graphics for a professional and creative design aesthetic.

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