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List Of Tasks A Web Designer Is Expected To Do On A Business Website

Published: 16th September 2016

Being the first line of communication between potential visitors and your website, it is required to get a high quality to beat the competition between large scale and small scale companies. There are numerous benefits of having a website for your business. As more and more people uses the online medium to purchase and sell their assets, a quality website helps in generating more sales and revenue for your business.

When people choose to visit online stores more than a local store, online sales rises to a large extent. To make a good quality website, you would require a skilled and experienced web designer. There are several types of expectations a business can have from a web designer such as creativity, expert knowledge, troubleshooting skills, timely delivery, etc.

In this article, we will know about some of the major expectations from a web designer.

About web professionals

A web designer is the one who creates the look and feel of a website. A web developer, on the other hand, is well aware of the inner workings of the website. Based on the knowledge, it creates workflow and implements user functionality of a website on the web. Business has to have both of them to create the most amazing and brilliant websites.

Creative ideas

Web designing is a creative field. A person who is a web designer is expected to have a creative bent of mind. A website can be designed in numerous ways. A web designer is expected to present his views and ideas that would help in creating the most creative, distinctive, engaging and user-friendly website for your business.

A good portfolio

Every business would look out for a technically sound professional who has experience in working with the latest tools, technology and a variety of domains. A web developer who has worked on several projects and has a vast client base comprising of leading companies is preferred. To shortlist the best web designer for your project, it is important to look at their portfolio that showcases their previous and ongoing web projects.

Ability to create Search Engine Optimized websites

Not just creation a website is enough for business. It has to be created in a way that enables customers to locate your website easily. The growth of a business is directly dependent on its client base and sales. Thus it is very essential for a web designer to be aware of the SEO methods and its implementation on the website. This will help in building more clients, sales, and revenue of your business.


Expertise is one such feature which is hard to find by meeting a person in one or two meetings. Certification and training courses are a way to ensure the expertise of a candidate. Due to this reason many people prefer to select web designer on the basis of the certification they have. Many of the renowned institutes offer designing certifications and courses to the candidate who successfully completed the course and cleared the exam. These courses give a thorough understanding to a candidate on working on real time projects. Thus it gives a company an assurance that a candidate possesses necessary skills to work on live projects successfully.

Consistency and timely delivery

This aspect is very important to be looked in a web designer. He/she has to be very dedicated and punctual towards their goal. The designer is required to successfully complete and deliver their work within the deadlines so as to keep the website up and to run.


It is very important to have a clear understanding on the remuneration that will be given to them once they are hired. Only if both the parties agree, can a company proceed towards meeting other criteria.

Ability to create professional level websites

They should have the ability to create professional level websites with pleasing and impactful graphics in right sizes, colors and shapes.

It is very important to identify the type of expectations you have from a web designer. When planning to hire a web designing professional, communicating to them about these expectations would give you an assurance of the work you desire. When you and the web designer are on the same page, then chances of the newly created website matching to the expectation are maximized.

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