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End Writing Procrastination for Good

Published: 29th March 2018

Procrastination means "postponement". Who didn't postpone writing essays on some vital topic? Almost everyone was in the situation when there was a desire to procrastinate some tasks or avoid some duties, especially when there was need for fast essay writing. In the literature procrastination is known as "the syndrome of Scarlett". The heroine of "Gone with the wind" always told: "I will think about this tomorrow".

It doesn't matter if you need to sort out the mess in the garage, write a novel, answer the email, work the things out or find custom writing help. There is always something that distracts us: tasty chocolate cookies, blown bulb, messages from friends in WhatsApp etc.

Definitely, you know this situation (perhaps, you are procrastinating even now). Most of us promised again and again to stop procrastinating and finally sleep well the night before passing the exam or project and in the end we end up browsing the web in search of cheap reports writing company with the best cheap writers. Find out how to get rid of guilty conscience and overcome the procrastination.

Reasons of Procrastination

The reasons why we spend most of our lives postponing things and procrastinating are various but characteristic for human nature. Regardless of the fact that no one of us can work without breaks, every person spends different amount of time on it.

Some people are more disposed to procrastinating than others. There are those who procrastinate only sometimes in some particular situations (so called false procrastinators), while for others procrastination is a problem leading to a serious loss of time even a fast writing company can't save the situation.

The reasons to postpone things and tasks may be various. However, in most cases these are boredom, concentration difficulties, fatigue, lack of motivation, fear to fail etc.

Procrastination: Results

Feeling guilty: it is very characteristic for procrastinators to think about something like "I shouldn't waste time".

Stress: when we are overwhelmed with various tasks which were postponed for weeks, it causes stress.

Decreased performance: It's obvious that when we watch videos on YouTube or reading Twitter posts which don't refer to work, we waste precious time to the detriment of some important task that should be completed. Besides, motivation and attention also decrease.

Sense of shame: we feel ashamed when other people condemn us. It results in negative self-image and desire to hide from everyone.

Spiral of procrastination: procrastination resembles going round in circles. If the work is not appraised because of constant delays, the habit of procrastination may grow worse and the easiest task to write essays transforms into a nightmare. It leads to complaints, blames, sense of self-loathing, negative self-image, decrease of productivity and a number of other negative consequences.

Procrastination while Studying

How does the procrastination reflect on studies and productivity?Procrastination at school or college is a common thing. Very often the person just didn't understand why there was no motivation to learn some task. You definitely heard of "preparing for the exam during one night". In this case the information will be quickly forgotten.

Sometimes when during day and night nonstop we repeat something before the exam writing down or underlining, it works. However, in most cases we can't achieve success and more comprehend learning.

To receive proper study skills is the key to success for every student and future professional. Postponing of home tasks may lead to loss of motivation and negative feelings connected with studies.

20 Means to Stop Procrastinating

We admire successful people who manage to do everything in time and with high quality and besides go in for sport, dance, take part in amateur theatre or charity etc.How do they manage to reach such a high level of self-discipline, while other people lack time and use writing company available online?

These people hardly possess some supernatural powers. More likely these people overcame the desire to do something later today, tomorrow, in a week etc. You can start turning into such a superhero right now. Here are some tips how not to distract and do what you need.

  • Nothing is possible without efforts
  • Write down priorities
  • Be realist
  • Think about motivation
  • Don't be afraid of failed attempt
  • Plan your tasks
  • Do beforehand
  • Analyze your things and emotions
  • Reward yourself for successful work
  • Try to do your job more interesting
  • Keep decent working and leisure conditions
  • Have breaks
  • Set up regular time for lunch
  • Bring your working place to order
  • Take away everything that distracts you
  • Don't waste time on unnecessary chats
  • Turn off the sound on your cell
  • Invent your own mean
  • Don't punish yourself for procrastination to severe
  • In complicated cases ask a specialist for help

If you often suffer from procrastination, then you know based on your own experience how stressful it can be. Select several of previously mentioned techniques and try them in practice. Don't set a very high rank from the very beginning.

Procrastination doesn't mean that you are silly or lazy. It's just a reaction on difficult tasks. However, you can learn how to fight this "bad habit". The main idea is "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today". Once you succeed in this, you will become more self-confident and less wired for stress and you will get your essays fast.

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