We are here to help you turn on, activate & enable JavaScript for the best web experiments

JavaScript is working - Now you should have the best JavaScript experiments from javascriptON.com. Enjoy it!

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We need your support to keep this project alive


Truthfully we are still having tons of other things in our life to care about, but we also want to keep this non-profit project alive - javascriptON.com - for helping anyone need to activate JavaScript in the browser. So please support us by any available method you have.

Support us by your technical skills

We are still needing many supporters for translating & capturing, please help us by your devices, your technical knowledge to get many benefits. Please read here.

Help us with your sites

If you are running any site / blog / personal portal, please consider to use our NoScript tags on them to help your visitors solve the DISABLED JavaScript issue at javascriptON.com.

We are also very happy if you may promote this project on your sites / blogs / social networks or share with your friends; or more simple, just go to our social accounts on Facebook, Google+, Twitter to follow / like / share / retweet.

Give us your good tea

We love drinking tea, it brings to us an active mind to work effectively. We enjoy the tea everyday since 2005 and also drink many kinds of tea, share us the good tea in your area. Please go to contact page to know where you should ship.

Sponsor or Donate

Use your Paypal balance (or other payment gateways) to support us. We respect every penny you donated. Please see the right beside to choose who you want to support at this moment.

Final thanks

All supports / donations / helps will be recorded at this page.

Thank you! We love you so much!

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Phong ThaiPhong Thai
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David MartinDavid Martin
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